Wednesday 18 June 2008

Patternless Plankton

This is Sheldon Plankton, the evil and diminutive enemy of Mr Crabs. If you don't watch Spongebob Squarepants then shame on you.

There isn't a pattern for this as I made it up on the fly, and it kind of worked apart from the uneven antennae. The arms are missing because it was "claimed" before I had a chance to sew them on. Once the small one takes things as his own, it's very difficult to persuade him to let me finish them. Sheldon currently resides in the kitchen, inside a tagine. He's no doubt hatching some kind of devilish plot as I speak. Involving preserved lemons, I suspect.

If anyone is interested I'll try and remember what I did and write a pattern. The chances of this happening are low, however, as I can barely remember what I did yesterday, let alone a few months ago. It was worked in a chunky, seagreen aran mix that I found in the remnant basket of my local craft shop, and I probably used a 4.0mm hook.

Told you I was useless at remembering things.


Ainhoa said...

Hey!! He looks so funny that I don't really think he's capable of such a plot involving lemons. Wouldn't it be that those trycky lemons are forcing him into it? Hmmm...

Very nice, thanks for passing by and for your comment. I enjoyed so much the walk around here!

Yarni Gras! said...

yep, that's him. I admit I am a Spongebob watcher........I love Plankton...poor 'Sheldon' :-)